Loop trail 6: Höhlenkundliche Schlaufe
At arm's length: Hiking on the roof of the Mühlbachquellhöhle (Mühlbach spring cave)
- 12,8 km
- 3,2 hrs.
- Mühlbachquelle (M. spring) in Mühlbach or junction state road Dietfurt – Wildenstein at the information board. Access also from/to Eutenhofen possible
- Mühlbachquelle (M. spring) in Mühlbach or junction state road Dietfurt – Wildenstein at the information board. Access also from/to Eutenhofen possible
Ascent gradient: 245,6 m
Descent gradient: 245,6 m
The Mühlbachquellhöhle (M. spring cave) is both spectacular and unique, but only spileologists with special equipment are allowed to visit. It was detected only in 2001, and it is the only river cave in the Franconian mountains with actively running water, and thus it is not possible to open it up for the general public. The good news is that hiking on the spileological loop offers most interesting and enjoyable insights into the karst cave about 100 meters below the surface, without encountering any dangers. On 15 information and survey boards of the Karst group "Mühlbach", the hiker may find information about the Mühlbach spring cave, about topics like geology, spileology and geomorphology. After this instructive hiking tour the curious hiker will know what meaning is hidden behind ominous-sounding word combinations like "Hungerbrunnen and Donnerdom" ("hunger wells and thunder domes"). "Ponor dolines", sink holes ("Schlucklöcher") and "karst poljes" suddenly become parts of a lively and tangible landscape. From the Mühlbachquelle at Mühlbach, the route at first leads up through the Mühlbach gorge to the high Jura plains, and then on level ground mostly through woods and forests. Inns can be found in Mühlbach and Eutenhofen which is a detour of about half an hour, about 500 meters behind information board 10.
The loop is marked nr. 6 (green writing on yellow background) on the signs of the national park Altmühltal. On the information boards you also find the signposting "Höhlenkundliche Schlaufe" (spileological loop) with the logo of the Jurasteig.
Further information on the Mühlbachquellhöhle you can find on www.muehlbachquellhoehle.de .